There are terms in the American English language that just wear me out... words that I don't like to repeat because they are so often overused it embarrasses me to use them, for fear that I have become "one of them" one of the "trendy people." One of those words, is "blog." How incredibly annoying. Another word is "hella," a word I have heard quite often working out in Northern California.. I especially go crazy when people say it that aren't from the region (they're just trying to be cool). I refuse to say that word in type (the b word) from here on out, even if it happens to be posted all over this page, and on its URL.
By no means do I expect anyone to read this pile of drivel, but I started this "Online Journal" --because I'm a thinker. My head is filled with tons of ideas, but often I can't verbally express these thoughts, so putting them down in type may help me execute them easier. Along the way, you might become inspired and develop ideas from my ideas!